Monday, May 17, 2010


A panther and a monkey are different, but is one of them worth less than the other? You think it is a stupid question and you are right. Continue thinking it is stupid when it comes to people. Being different is normal. Everyone is different from the other. I am different from you. But your are not more or less because of the colour of your face or because of your father: that is ridiculous. If somebody can be your friend, how can he ever be less than you or than someone else? (from "Oeroeg", Hella Haasse)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Safari Masai Mara - 7-8/05/2010

On 7th and 8th of Mai I went to the Masai Mara. Amazing. Look at the pictures and the films.

All animals


Happy Hipo!