Monday, December 30, 2013

And again those askari.

So, here we are again, at the Mapenzi hotel gate, where they have once again changed the guards.


What is you name?

Ilse. Aaaaaaaaaaaaj ellllllllllllllll essssssssssssssss ìììììììììììì (spelling).  

I take his piece of paper and write my name myself. In uppercase. Just to be sure. Than I return him his pen en piece of paper.

He takes and gives it a look:“Ah, Irisse!”


Thursday, December 5, 2013

The ignorant tourist...

My phone rings, I answer: “Neckermann, Thomas Cook, Ilse speaking.
He: do I speak with the rep of Neckermann?
Me: yes sir, that’s me.
He: is it always hot like this here in Zanzibar?
Me: eh, excuse me, who am I talking to?
He: I am mr. Mueller, calling from the Dream of Zanzibar hotel. Is it always hot like this?
Me: eh, we are approaching the hottest period of the year.
He: really? Will it become more hot?
Me: Eventually. It could also rain, we are in the short rain period.
He: aah. So which sun cream do I need to use?
Me: The highest one. We are not far away from the equator, the sun is burning, also when it rains or there are clouds.
He: Are there other things I need to know?
Me: Yes, please don’t forget to drink; you are loosing a lot of liquid due to the humidity
He: how much?
Me: You should try to drink 3 up to 4 liters of water?
He: Can I drink beer instead?
Me: oh, I think that is a bit too much, that is a lot of alcohol in one day.

But at that moment I couldn't withhold laughing and… I heard a very loud burst of laughing at the other side of the phone. My boss was calling me…